Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eating a cookie

Eating a cookie
Originally uploaded by zmnhhc
Julia tried her first Oreo tonight.
As soon as she had the cookie she had it all over.

Go Bucks!!!

Buckeye Girls
Originally uploaded by zmnhhc
Julia enjoyed the game this weekend, and was excited to see OSU go 5 straight against Michigan.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cold Weather

Waiting to go out
Originally uploaded by zmnhhc
It has been a cold weekend in Lexington. We even saw some snow! So what better time than to get a new a new coat.

Monday, November 3, 2008

1st Halloween

Julia on Halloween
Originally uploaded by zmnhhc
Well Julia had her first halloween. She was more interested in eating leaves than candy.

Daddy and Julia pumpkins

Daddy and Julia pumpkins
Originally uploaded by zmnhhc